PT Mastersystem Infotama Tbk is listed in the FTSE Global Equity Index Quarterly

Mastersystem Infotama Tbk (MSTI) entered FTSE Global Equity Index Quarterly June 2024, strengthening global position and attracting international investors

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Marcomm MSI

Mastersystem Infotama Tbk (MSTI) has been included in the FTSE Global Equity Index Quarterly for the period June 2024. This official announcement was released by FTSE Russell and will be effective on Monday, June 24, 2024.

MSTI's inclusion in the Small Cap index is an important achievement for us. It also strengthens MSTI's position in the global market. We believe that this recognition is a result of our continuous efforts in providing the best technology solutions for our customers.

The FTSE Global Equity Index Quarterly is one of the leading global indices used by investors around the world as an investment benchmark. The index includes companies that demonstrate strong financial performance and have good growth prospects. With MSTI's inclusion in this index, we hope to attract more attention from global investors and expand our network in the international market.

We would like to thank our customers, partners and shareholders for their support and trust. With this achievement, we are even more motivated to continue to give our best and achieve more success in the future.

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